TZM Update | August, 2015
Zeitgeist Media Festival Day 2015 - Australia
Recognizing the power of art and media to help change the world, the annual "Zeitgeist Media Festival" (ZMF) bridges the artistic & activist communities in the hope to inspire change. It recognizes that needed changes in the structural/economic workings of society can only manifest in tandem with a personal/social transformation of values in each of us. While intellectual knowledge serves its role of showing the path, many in the world follow their feelings and comforts - not new knowledge.
Art is considered the most powerful tool we have to bridge these levels of awareness and inspire action for change. Keeping the gesture of the long history of influential artistic creators whose vision have changed our world for the better, The ZMF works to unify the world through this expression with the basic ethos that we are one species sharing one planet and it is time the world learns to work together for the betterment of all before it is too late.
The Inaugural Event for the now annual Zeitgeist Media Festival occurred in 2011 with over 40 events occurring across 20 countries with unique presenters and performances by Charles FleischerLili Haydn and others. In 2012, the Los Angeles Main Event increased in recognition with notable participants including Tim Kring, Rutger Hauer, Marianne Williamson, Cofield Mundi, and many more.
2015 Main Event:
Saturday, 17th October, 2015 — 11:00am – 4:00pm
The Rumpus Room — 56 Russell St, West End
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Tickets: http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/zeitgeist-media-festival-tickets-17641783048?ref=ebtn
More Info: http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/zeitgeist-media-festival/
TZM 2.0 Update
As noted prior, large changes are in the works for the Administration of TZM. Something we can call TZM 2.0.
The establishment of a US-based 501c3 Non-Profit to help with global projects, press relations and improved administration/expansion of the online networks, including assisting Chapters in basic ways is expected to be done by the end of September. A crowd funding campaign will then commence to help fund the larger changes in the online and chapter communication infrastructure.
For over 6 years, The Zeitgeist Movement has worked with no donations, with only a small number of people taking on the financial burden of operation. Today, we have reached the limits of what this kind of structure can do for The Movement when it comes to large scale projects and gaining media attention.
If we expect to have a future in this turbulent time, we now need to harness more traditional support, removing the burden that has slowed all TZM operations and alleviating the financial pressures that fallen on very few people. While the volunteer structure remains for the majority of actions, a seasoned, unpaid board of the most experienced TZM members will work to help allocate donations in a 100% transparent way to global functions, specifically focusing on gaining media attention and press.
Today, our greatest problem is the pollution of our image and a gross misunderstanding of what TZM is doing and about. This is going to change. More on this development will be presented in the next few weeks, along with a full FAQ and interaction with those interested in discussing ways to best allocate funds.
The Zeitgeist Movement / Peter Joseph interview with Jesse Ventura "Off the Grid"
Peter Joseph speaks at the Los Angeles "METal" forum: "The End of Capitalism"
ZDay 2015 New Media: Ben Dyson "Positive Money"
ZDay 2015 New Media: Martin Wilkinson "Impacts of Income Inequality on Human Health"
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