www.ilfattoquotidiano.it - C'è l'accordo politico tra Partito Democratico e Movimento Cinque Stelle per il Conte 2. Entrambe le delegazioni hanno comunicato a Sergio Mattarella la convergenza sul nome del premier uscente, conv…
firenze.repubblica.it - Foto Ilcuoioindiretta.it Un grosso cartello stradale è caduto sulla superstrada Firenze-Pisa-Livorno. Non ci sono conseguenze tra gli automobilisti ma tanta paura per chi era di passaggio verso la di…
www.presstv.com - China has banned imports of shrimp from Saudi Arabia and granted market access to 40 exporters from Iran, a report says. The ban came after Chinese customs detected white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) i…
www.theguardian.com - European sources have warned that Boris Johnson's move to suspend parliament for five weeks has increased the chances of a no-deal Brexit, while a leading MEP said: "Taking back control has never loo…
thinkprogress.org - Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) announced on Monday that he will soon resign his House seat, citing family reasons. He and his wife, Fox News contributor Rachel Campos-Duffy, said their soon-to-be born ninth …