19 dicembre 2016

Elon Musk News - Issue 62

Issue 62

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Note From The Curator

The top three stories in this issue of Elon Musk News are:

1. Elon Musk to Donald Trump: 'We build rockets, cars, and solar stuff – really excited about expanding our manufacturing footprint in the US.'

2. Will Elon Musk Be the Champion Cleantech Needs at the White House?

3. Trump adds pro-SpaceX commercial space advocate to NASA transition team

This issue focuses heavily on Trump's Wednesday meeting with Elon Musk and other tech executives. While not a lot is known about exactly what was discussed, Trump clearly gave the group of tech executives a warm welcome. He also gave Musk a strategic advisory role. Another piece of good news is that Trump had Elon Musk & Apple CEO Tim Cook stay after the meeting for further discussions. While Trump & Musk appear to have diametrically opposed world views, the fact that the two now have an open line of communication is probably the best thing we could hope for at this point.

If you only click on one link in this issue, I highly recommend watching this video of the opening remarks. Trump's seemingly genuine warmth towards the group was a big surprise to me.

Enjoy issue 62, and have an excellent Friday!

Zachary K.D.

Featured Quote

"Talent is extremely important. It's like a sports team, the team that has the best individual player will often win, but then there's a multiplier from how those players work together and the strategy they employ."

— Elon Musk

From BI

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18 dicembre 2016

Rete Voltaire: Dopo l’arresto di ufficiali NATO ad Aleppo, il Consiglio di sicurezza si riunisce a porte chiuse 17 dicembre 2016

Rete Voltaire
Dopo l'arresto di ufficiali NATO ad Aleppo, il Consiglio di sicurezza si riunisce a porte chiuse
Rete Voltaire | 17 dicembre 2016
Rete Voltaire — Oggi, 16 dicembre, alle 17.00, ora universale, il Consiglio di sicurezza si è riunito a porte chiuse, dopo che questa mattina ufficiali della NATO sono stati arrestati dalle Forze speciali siriane in un bunker ad Aleppo-Est.
bbonamento    Reclami

17 dicembre 2016

Il nuovo bando del Premio Morrione è online!

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Bando 6° Edizione: una nuova occasione per gli under31

Il nuovo bando del Premio Roberto Morrione per il giornalismo investigativo è online.
Sono due le categoria in concorso: webdoc d'inchiesta e video-inchiesta. I partecipanti non devono aver superato i 31 anni di età il 20 gennaio 2017, termine fissato per l'invio dei progetti corredati da showrell e cv degli autori.
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16 dicembre 2016

Slaughter or Liberation?: A Debate on Russia's Role in the Syrian War & the Fall of Aleppo | Daily Digest 12/14/2016

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Democracy Now! Daily Digest

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Wednesday, December 14, 2016


With the aid of Russian airstrikes, Syria has taken near full control of the city of Aleppo in a major defeat for forces hoping to topple Syrian President Bashar ... Read More →

Donald Trump has chosen former Texas Governor Rick Perry to be energy secretary. Governor Perry famously attempted to propose to abolish the Energy ... Read More →

We turn now to take a broader look at U.S.-Russian relations in the wake of Donald Trump's election. On Tuesday, Trump officially nominated Rex Tillerson, chair ... Read More →

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