03 dicembre 2016

Democracy Now!: An urgent message from Amy Goodman

Your donation today will go three times as far!

Happy holidays from Democracy Now!
Donate today—and your donation will be tripled!

Dear Friend,

In these times of war and elections, movements and uprisings, we need a media not sponsored by corporations that profit from war, but a media that's truly independent. 

It's more critical now than ever before.

Democracy Now! is funded by you, our global audience of listeners, viewers and readers. And this year we're celebrating a big anniversary—20 years as your daily global independent news hour.

Right now, in honor of our 20th anniversary, a generous donor will TRIPLE every donation to Democracy Now! That means your gift will go three times as far.

Your donation today—before midnight tonight—will be matched 2:1 through this special #GivingTuesday offer. But don't delay!

Please click here to donate to Democracy Now! today and triple your impact.



The commercial media serves as a mouthpiece for corporate and government interests, giving a platform to the pundits and the pollsters who know so little about so much, explaining the world to us and getting it so wrong.

You need a media that's covering the grassroots movements and bringing you voices of people organizing from the front lines of the world's most pressing issues... especially now.

Remember, your tax-deductible donation today will be worth three times as much—so please be as generous as you can.

From the standoff at Standing Rock to the voices of grassroots leaders discussing how to move forward from this year's election; from Black Lives Matter activists to the stories of those fighting for peace, climate justice, migrant rights and LGBTQ equality; from uncovering government surveillance to fighting attacks on freedom of the press—you count on Democracy Now! to take you to the front lines of the movements that are changing the world.
But none of this is possible without your help.

Please support Democracy Now! today with a tax-deductible donation. We're counting on you to take us into our third decade of daily global independent news!

The need for independent media has never been greater.
When Democracy Now! covers climate change, it's not paid for by the oil, gas, coal and nuclear companies. When we cover war, it's not funded by the weapons manufacturers.

Your donations make our daily news hour possible. 

For two decades, we've remained independent. As we head into this critical time for our nation and our world, we're counting on your continued support.
With your help, Democracy Now! is training the next generation of independent journalists through our internship and fellowship programs. Our LEED platinum studio—the greenest in the country—serves as a classroom for more than 1,000 students who visit each year to view live broadcasts and participate in media workshops.

Our daily news hour—airing on more than 1,400 television and radio stations in 46 countries and to millions online—is only possible with your financial support.

You can click here to donate right now or mail your contribution to:

Democracy Now!
Attn: Development
207 West 25th Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10001

Or call us at 1-888-999-3877 (toll free in U.S.) or +1-212-431-9090.
Thank you for making Democracy Now! what it is today—and what it can be tomorrow.

Democracy Now!

Amy Goodman


Remember, your donation TODAY will be tripled!

And if you donate $95 or more and you can select one of our great thank you gifts, like a signed copy of my my new book, Democracy Now!: Twenty Years Covering the Movements Changing America, written with Denis Moynihan and David Goodman.

Democracy Now!
207 West 25th St
11th Floor
New York, New York 10001

02 dicembre 2016

Global warming Made in Italy: il reportage che vorremmo

Global warming  Made in Italy: realizziamo questo reportage!

Global warming Made in Italy: realizziamo questo reportage!

Global warming Made in Italy è un progetto di reportage di Francesco De Augustinis, vincitore della prima edizione del Premio  Morrione. Il progetto prende di petto il legame sottovalutato tra alcune tra le più importanti e rappresentative produzioni italiane e il riscaldamento globale. Per raccogliere il budget di 8mila euro necessario alla sua realizzazione è in corso un crowdfunding … Leggi tutto.
Anello di  Fumo: l'inchiesta arriva a Padova insieme a Libera - venerdì 2 dicembre

Anello di Fumo: l'inchiesta arriva a Padova insieme a Libera - venerdì 2 dicembre

160 Tir al giorno pieni di rifiuti organici collegano Roma a Padova. È dalla chiusura di Malagrotta nel 2013 che l'impianto di Sesa, poco distante dal capoluogo veneto, accoglie buona parte dell'umido prodotto dalla capitale. Sono dati con cui Legambiente, lo scorso agosto 2016, ha denunciato l'insostenibilità economica della gestione dei rifiuti urbani a Roma. …
Report: Grazie  Milena, buon lavoro Sigfrido!

Report: Grazie Milena, buon lavoro Sigfrido!

Il servizio pubblico è fare giornalismo come lo fa Milena Gabanelli. Dagli "Speciali Mixer" con Giovanni Minoli alla fine degli anni '80 a "Report" di oggi, Gabanelli ha dimostrato come si può fare informazione al servizio del pubblico con indagini approfondite e precise, senza piegarsi a logiche di potere e senza deferenza verso alcun potere, il vero …
Sito web  dell'anno: votiamo per Articolo 21

Sito web dell'anno: votiamo per Articolo 21

Noi abbiamo votato per il sito di Articolo 21 come sito web dell'anno perché è un sito di informazione sempre aggiornato, un faro sempre acceso sulle periferie dimenticate dall'informazione e un presidio costante a difesa dell'articolo 21 della nostra Costituzione. Per tutte queste ragioni invitiamo anche voi votare per Articolo Ventuno .

01 dicembre 2016

After Surviving 600 Assassination Attempts & Outlasting 11 U.S. Presidents, Fidel Castro Dies at 90 | Daily Digest 11/28/2016

The Untold Story of Cuba's Support for African Independence Movements Under Fidel Castro & How Fidel Castro Showed Latin America There was a Way to Resist U.S. Imperialism & More

Democracy Now! Daily Digest

A Daily Independent Global News Hour with Amy Goodman & Juan González

Monday, November 28, 2016


We host a roundtable discussion on the life and legacy of Cuban revolutionary leader and former President Fidel Castro, who died Friday at the age of 90. He ... Read More →

Across the developing world, former Cuban President Fidel Castro was viewed as a hero who stood up to the United States and assisted Marxist guerrillas and ... Read More →

As we revisit the life and legacy of former Cuban President Fidel Castro, we examine how Cuba's revolutionary ideals spread throughout Latin America. ... Read More →

President-elect Donald Trump has condemned the thawing of relations between the United States and Cuba, and after the death of leader Fidel Castro, he ... Read More →

Headlines →


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207 W 25th St — 11th Floor — New York, NY — 10001
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License

30 novembre 2016

Rete Voltaire: I principali titoli della settimana 30 novembre 2016

Rete Voltaire

In breve

L'esercito libanese ha catturato un emiro di Daesh

L'Arabia saudita non può, o non vuole, continuare a pagare truppe straniere

Nasce un coordinamento tra l'esercito russo e lo Hezbollah

L'Egitto sostiene gli eserciti iracheno, libico e siriano

L'Iran reagirà senza indugio a un rinnovo delle sanzioni USA

La Turchia vuole espandersi in Grecia

La Turchia spicca un mandato d'arresto contro il curdo Salih Muslim

A Doha la nona edizione della World Policy Conference della Francia

Ad Aleppo-Est gli jihadisti sparano proiettili veri sui manifestanti

14.000 abitanti di Mosul ripiegano su Raqqa

La fatwa del Consiglio militare supremo dell'Esercito della Conquista

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