19 ottobre 2016

Rete Voltaire: I principali titoli della settimana 18 ottobre 2016

Rete Voltaire

In breve

L'annuncio della battaglia di Mosul

Ali Mamlouk al Cairo

Ventidue membri del Congresso si appellano al presidente Obama perché gli Stati Uniti non ricorrano per primi della bomba atomica

Il Cremlino richiama in patria le famiglie dei diplomatici russi di stanza in Occidente

Chi vive e combatte ad Aleppo Est?

abbonamento    Reclami

17 ottobre 2016

David Icke a Rimini: ultimissimi biglietti in promozione

Fino a martedì 18 ottobre
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David Icke in Italia
Si avvicina il 22 Ottobre, quando David Icke salirà sul palco del Palacongressi di Rimini per oltre 10 serrate ore di avvincenti informazioni esclusive.
Ti avvisiamo che puoi ancora risparmiare sul prezzo del biglietto se acquisti uno degli ultimi ticket disponibili entro martedì 18 ottobre. A partire da mercoledì 19 ottobre i pochi posti rimanenti in sala saranno venduti a prezzo intero.
Puoi scegliere se acquistare uno degli ultimi posti disponibili in sala o il biglietto che ti garantirà l'accesso alla diretta sul tuo pc, smartphone o tablet in modalità streaming. Anche quest'ultima tipologia è in promozione fino a martedì prossimo.
David Icke in Italia
I biglietti per partecipare all'unica data italiana del World Wide Wake Up Tour 2016 di David Icke sono in vendita solo sul sito Macrolibrarsi.it.
€ 85,00

invece di € 95,00
Pagamenti accettati: Carta di Credito, Paypal, Postepay
€ 45,00

invece di € 55,00
Pagamenti accettati: Carta di Credito, Paypal, Postepay
David Icke in Italia
L'evento si terrà Sabato 22 Ottobre 2016 presso il Palacongressi di Rimini (Via della Fiera 23) nei seguenti orari:
  • 08.00 - 10.00 | Registrazione iscritti
  • 10.00 - 12.30 | Evento
  • 12.30 - 14.00 | Pausa pranzo
  • 14.00 - 16.30 | Evento
  • 16.30 - 17.00 | Pausa
  • 17.00 - 19.30 | Evento
  • 19.30 - 20.30 | Pausa cena
  • 20.30 - 22.30 | Evento
Per il ritorno di David Icke in Italia, Macrolibrarsi ha scelto il Palacongressi di Rimini, la più grande struttura per l'organizzazione di congressi del nostro Paese, unica per design, tecnologia, facilità di parcheggio (interrato) e costruita con spiccata attenzione per l'ambiente.
Una grande conchiglia, tributo al mare, ma anche "astronave... proveniente da altri mondi, carica di mistero e sapienza" come la vedeva il poeta Tonino Guerra.
La Sala dell'Anfiteatro, dove si svolgerà l'evento, è una grande conchiglia con 1.600 posti a sedere, con comode poltrone.
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Lun.-Ven. 09-18.
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David Icke in Italia
L'Imbroglio della Realtà e l'Inganno della Percezione
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16 ottobre 2016

Elon Musk News - Issue 52 🚀🚗🌇

"You want to be extra rigorous about making the best possible thing you can. Find everything that's wrong with it and fix it."

Elon Musk News

ISSUE 52 🚀🚗🌇  October 14th 2016

Here are the top 3 stories in this issue of Elon Musk News:
  1. Obama joins Musk's call for humanity to become a multi-planetary species
  2. Tesla's new VP of Vehicle Production is impressed: 'they are about seven years beyond everything I've seen before'
  3. Tesla/SolarCity 'solar roof' with new Powerwall 2.0 will be in 'high demand', says SolarCity CEO
In both an op-ed piece for CNN, and as guest editor for WIRED's November issue, President Obama has recently given his vocal encouragement for private space companies like SpaceX to make humans a multi-planetary species. In his CNN piece, Obama wrote: "Someday, I hope to hoist my own grandchildren onto my shoulders. We'll still look to the stars in wonder, as humans have since the beginning of time. But instead of eagerly awaiting the return of our intrepid explorers, we'll know that because of the choices we make now, they've gone to space not just to visit, but to stay."
Hopefully the next U.S. President will share this same vision.
Thank-you for being part of this newsletter, and enjoy Issue 52!
Zachary K.D.
P.S. Thank-you to ClipperCreek for making this newsletter possible!

Featured Quote

"You want to be extra rigorous about making the best possible thing you can. Find everything that's wrong with it and fix it."

— Elon Musk
Photo from Steve Jurvetson


Obama joins Musk's call for humanity to become a multi-planetary species

President Obama joined the call for humanity to become a multi-planetary species. "We have set a clear goal vital to the next chapter of America's story in space: sending humans to Mars by the 2030s and returning them safely to Earth, with the ultimate ambition to one day remain there for an extended time," the President said in an op-ed piece published by CNN. "Getting to Mars will require continued cooperation between government and private innovators, and we're already well on our way. Within the next two years, private companies will for the first time send astronauts to the International Space Station."
Read the full article | Photo from SpaceX

SpaceX to reuse Dragon capsules on cargo missions

SpaceX plans to reuse a Dragon cargo spacecraft for the first time next year, allowing the company to focus on production of the next generation of that spacecraft for crew and cargo missions.


Tesla's new VP of Vehicle Production is impressed: 'they are about seven years beyond everything I've seen before'

Peter Hochholdinger is coming to Tesla after a two-decade-long career at Audi where most recently he led the manufacturing programs of the A4, A5 and Q5 vehicles.

Tesla Powerwall demand jumps 30x following blackouts in Australia

Consumer demand in Australia for Tesla's Powerwall has increased to 30 times its usual levels following a series of power blackouts in two states.

Tesla vs Texas: a 700-mile road trip in a new Model X

Texas is big. The discovery there of vast oil reserves was bigger still, the moment the petrol genie escaped the bottle. If Tesla's Model X can succeed in this most oil-obsessed of states, it can succeed anywhere...

Tesla/SolarCity 'solar roof' with new Powerwall 2.0 will be in 'high demand', says SolarCity CEO

SolarCity's CEO, Lyndon Rive, said this week that the company should "definitely increase forecasts" for next year because of the upcoming new products that the company will unveil in a joint event with Tesla at the end of the month.


Dubai's port funds Hyperloop One with $50 million to make hyperloop a reality

Everything points toward Dubai, especially its port, being the first place to get a full-scale commercial hyperloop system.

Uber's former financial wizard is joining Hyperloop One

Brent Callinicos has a reputation as one of the smartest financial minds in Silicon Valley. He helped spearhead Uber's fastest years of growth as the ride-hailing startup's chief financial officer, and served similar roles at Google and Microsoft.

Hyperloop One Nudges Forward Plans for Shipping Route in China

Reliability, not hyperloop's fabled speed, is the real appeal of Hyperloop One's bold vision for a "new Silk Road" of shipping via a transportation tube first dreamed up by Elon Musk a few years ago.


SolarCity and Tesla Reveal Shareholder Vote Plans for Merger

SolarCity and Tesla have announced plans to hold a special meeting of stockholders on November 17 at 11am and 1pm respectively, where attendees will vote on whether to merge the two companies. If approved, SolarCity will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tesla.

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This Is The End

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