30 novembre 2019

New Treasures at the Internet Archive - November 2019

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November 2019

Browsing the Archive

Top 10 Reasons to Love the Internet Archive

All year long, the Internet Archive is your personal treasure trove of books, web pages, concerts, films, radio and video games… the gift that keeps on giving! Once a year, we ask you to help sustain us. And best of all, right now we have a 2-to-1 matching gift, so your donations will be tripled! Need more reasons to chip in? Here are 10 of our current favorites.
Library + Bookseller = More Online Books for all!
What happens when the world's leading socially conscious bookseller unites with the Internet's library? We're about to see. Digital Librarian Brewster Kahle and Better World Books CEO Dustin Holland announced this month that Better World Books is joining hands with the Internet Archive. The result? Libraries that donate their books to Better World Books will see many of their volumes digitized and shared online for free, leading to greater impact and literacy around the world! To celebrate the union, Better World Books is offering a special 10% discount code to buy books on their website, good through 2019.
Keeping a Literary Language Alive

Ancient texts etched into palm leaves. A new generation increasingly unable to read and write their literary texts. Can technology help to preserve the culture and native language of Bali? Those are the questions that the Internet Archive and the linguists at PanLex are tackling, along with a team of local Balinese. Discover what this diverse team is finding after unlocking these ancient manuscripts.
New Music Player Unlocks Memory & Meaning

Remember the hours you'd while away pouring over album covers and CD booklets? The hidden gems of meaning embedded by the musicians, seemingly just for you? In the era of streaming, that's part of what has been lost. Enter the Internet Archive's new music player! Chock full of new features including high resolution scans of covers and liner notes, our music player will help you discover related songs and richer information. Rock on.
Swim, Spot, Swim

The earliest surfing dog on film was long thought to be from 1930, but ahoy! If you venture 3:21 minutes into this 1926 surfing film, you'll find Spot, the earliest documented board-loving pup! Progenitor to a million surfing instagram mutts, Spot is now the first King of the Waves.
Turkey Circa 1772

Wondering how to boil a bird and stuff it? In 1772, you could turn to The Complete English Cook or Prudent Housewife, by Catharine Brooks, who wrote:

In cooking Fowl, or Flesh or Fish,
Or any nice or Dainty dish,
With care peruse this useful Book,
I will make you soon a perfect Cook.

Articles Worth Reading

WASHINGTON POST: What you learned about impeachment hearing depended on what channel you watched

WIRED: The Internet Archive is Making Wikipedia More Reliable

OPEN CULTURE: The Internet Archive is Digitizing and Preserving Over 100,000 Vinyl Records

 The Internet Archive's Open Library will let you sponsor a book, paying for it to be scanned

GIZMODO: Neo-Nazi Web Forum Iron March Has SQL Database Dumped on the Internet Archive

Wikipedia + the Internet Archive offer a new reason to include Wikipedia in student research

VENTURE BEAT: GitHub launches Arctic Code Vault to preserve open source software for 1,000 years

MSN NEWS: This is how the Trump administration has been quietly erasing LGBT issues

A little bit funds a lot of bytes – Donate today!
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Our mailing address is:
Internet Archive
300 Funston Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118


29 novembre 2019

Linux Professional Institute: Nuova Certificazione LPI | Pinguini a Bolzano: SFScon '19

BSD Specialist Linux Professional Institute

La Certificazione BSD Specialist fa parte del programma di certificazione Open Technology di Linux Professional Institute.
L'Esame si concentra sulle abilità necessarie per lavorare con successo in un ambiente FreeBSD, NetBSD o OpenBSD e verifica le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie per amministrare i sistemi operativi BSD.

LPI Media Partner di SFScon 2019: Bolzano, 15-16 novembre

Si tiene venerdì 15 e sabato 16 novembre la nuova edizione di SFScon Bolzano: Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Italia ne è nuovamente, e orgogliosamente, Media Partner. SFScon – South Tyrol Free Software Conference è stata fondata nel 2001 dal LUG di Bolzano. Dal 2005 vede il NOI Techpark di Bolzano come organizzatore.

Linux e Open Source: segnala eventi e storie di successo

La mission di LPI è sostenere la formazione e il movimento Linux e Open Source: se sei coinvolto in eventi del settore, non esitare a contattarci per segnalarceli: valuteremo anche proposte di media partnership e sponsorizzazione degli eventi.

La tua azienda, la tua scuola, Partner LPI 

Le Partnership LPI, Training e Academic, sono adesso ancora più flessibili e vantaggiose.
Se vuoi saperne di più, contattaci.
BSD Specialist
Scopri il portale LPI per la formazione
Copyright © 2019 Linux Professional Institute Italia, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Linux Professional Institute Italia
Via Sante Pisani
PRATO, PO 59100

28 novembre 2019

[Reseau Voltaire] Les principaux titres de la semaine 26 nov 2019

Réseau Voltaire

En bref

Le rapport de l'OIAC était falsifié

Le Royaume-Uni défie l'AG de l'Onu et son tribunal

Syrie : l'armée russe protège les populations chrétiennes

L'exemple de Hong Kong effraie Singapour

« Printemps arabe » le retour ?

L'Iran secouée par des manifestations
Fil diplomatique

Le pape François condamne la dissuasion nucléaire

Edouard Philippe au Forum international de Dakar sur la paix et la sécurité en Afrique

4ème séminaire intergouvernemental Sénégal-France


« Horizons et débats », n°25, 25 novembre 2019
Les milices helvètes
Partenaires, 26 novembre 2019
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