12 ottobre 2018

[Reseau Voltaire] Les principaux titres de la semaine 11 10 2018

Réseau Voltaire

En bref

Washington corrompt des parlementaires macédoniens pour obtenir l'adhésion à l'Otan et à l'UE

Les expériences du Pentagone en Géorgie provoquent une épidémie de peste porcine en Belgique

Le Pentagone entend transformer des champs de céréales en OGM

Qui viole le Traité INF : Washington, Moscou ou les deux ?

Les crimes de Gilead Sciences masquent-ils des tests du Pentagone ?

Des États arabes s'apprêtent à renouer avec la Syrie

La CIJ suspend certaines sanctions US contre l'Iran

France-Iran : le représentant de l'ayatollah Khamenei relâché

Interpellation du représentant de l'ayatollah Khamenei en France

Les accusations de Netanyahu contre le Liban démenties par les faits

Le Pentagone pourrait retirer ses forces d'occupation de Syrie

Les Macédoniens se prononcent contre l'adhésion à l'Otan et à l'UE

La communication de Benjamin Netanyahu

CIJ : l'État de Palestine contre les États-Unis
Fil diplomatique

La France dénonce le terrorisme iranien

Déclaration de l'Otan et de l'UE sur le référendum en Macédoine

« L'Otan, indispensable rempart de paix et de sécurité »

Déclaration du Petit Groupe sur la Syrie

Discours de Miguel Díaz-Canel devant la 73e séance de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies

Discours de Michel Aoun devant la 73e séance de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies

Discours d'Alain Berset devant la 73e séance de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies

Discours d'Emmanuel Macron devant la 73e séance de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies

Discours de Donald Trump devant la 73e séance de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies

Ouverture de la 73ème session de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies

abonnement    Réclamations

I banchieri di Dio - Il Film

11 ottobre 2018

Rete Voltaire: I principali titoli della settimana 11 ott 2018

Rete Voltaire

In breve

Washington corrompe parlamentari macedoni per procurarsi l'adesione alla NATO e alla UE

Gli esperimenti del Pentagono in Georgia provocano un'epidemia di peste suina in Belgio

Il Pentagono vuole trasformare campi di cereali in OGM

Chi vìola il trattato INF: Washington, Mosca o entrambi?

I crimini di Gilead Sciences mascherano test del Pentagono?

Alcuni Stati arabi s'apprestano e riallacciare i rapporti con la Siria

La Corte Internazionale di Giustizia sospende alcune sanzioni USA contro l'Iran

Francia-Iran: rilasciato il rappresentante dell'ayatollah Khamenei

Arresto del rappresentante dell'ayatollah Khamenei in Francia

Le accuse di Netanyahu contro il Libano smentite dai fatti

Il Pentagono potrebbe ritirare le forze d'occupazione della Siria

I macedoni si pronunciano contro l'adesione alla NATO e all'Unione Europea

La comunicazione di Benjamin Netanyahu

Lo Stato di Palestina fa ricorso alla Corte Internazionale di Giustizia contro gli Stati Uniti

ONU: la Siria esorta all'immediato ritiro delle forze d'occupazione USA, francesi e turche

abbonamento    Reclami

TZM Update | Oct. 2018 Newsletter

- Oct. 2018 Newsletter -

Argentina chapter to host the 2019 global Zday Event
After the success of the 10th Annual Zeitgeist Movement event in Frankfurt, Germany it was decided to have the next global Zday in Latin America. The passionate Paulina took up the torch and after some searching the Argentina chapter has put up their hand to run the next global Zday with help from other chapters such as Chile. For those that are interested you can contact Paulina by emailing konstancja.tzm@gmail.com. We are also working on a Zday document for helping those who want to run a Zday event get some ideas of what has happened with previous ones.

Teamspeak (new), Mumble and Discord Communication Platforms
Server: tzm.teamspeak3.com
Pass: Tzm_GHJ

For those wanting to do large scale 100+ voice chats like before the Zeitgeist.Earth team are donating their Mumble server to the cause.
Address: mumble.zeitgeist.earth
Password: heavenlyblue
How to setup mumble: https://wiki.zeitgeist.earth/doku.php?id=tutorial:mumble&s[]=mumble

There is also an existing TZM community on Discord which has a lot of chat and occasional International meetings.
For those interested in more general text chat then checkout The Zeitgeist Movement Discord server.

Website Consolidation
The Zday Global website and Zeitgeist Media Festival website have being merged with the main www.thezeitgeistmovement.com website. Those interested in future ZDAY or ZMF events, please refer to the main global site from now on.

TZM Content Help
We are looking for articles and posts for the website articles, Facebook, Twitter and other feeds. If you have any quality TZM materials or something Zeitgeist Movement related you can email tzmbot@thzeitgeistmovement.com with your article and preface the email subject with "TZM Content".

Template for Chapter Sites
In more techy news there's a request for anyone who's interested in web design and development to help out with a Jekyll based TZM chapter theme. The project, run by Juuso is designed to make it easier for TZM chapters to create a simple website. The idea is to make it easy to update the theme and have people use Github pages and similar version control systems to easily add content whilst sharing designs.

It's still under active development with an initial example page available. The Github repo is https://github.com/TZMCommunity/rbe-edu
For those that don't know Jekyll is a system for converting plain text into HTML websites.
Because the output is straight HTML5 and it doesn't need a database it can very easily be hosted with minimal requirements.
Contact the Finland coordinator juuso@vilmunen.net for more information.

New Media
Peter Joseph & Friends "The Viable System"
Cybernetics and The Viable System. Filmed in Toronto, featuring Toronto IRBE / Sharing and Tool Library in May.

Anna Brodskaya : Happiness in a Time of Uncertainty, Zday 2018
Anna Brodskaya gives some advice on how to negate anger and experience happiness, for anyone from those on the frontline of political activism to those simply in the pursuit of a considered life.

Andrew Drummond, A Picture of Transition | ZDay 2018 London
"A Picture of Transition" looks at several looming economic crises in energy and resource overshoot, challenges that we will face in transitioning to a renewably-powered circular economy, social adaptations that need to be made, how they can improve quality of life, and with case studies, shows how you can get this ball rolling in your local community, making almost anything from almost nothing.


Zeitgeist (DOT) Earth
The Zeitgeist.earth project is introducing a number of digital tools and services for communities involving technology, hacking and open source culture, as well as art and storytelling.
Zeitgeist Moving Forward opens with perhaps one of the most appropriate quotes to be highlighted in our generation: "In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it." — Ernst Fischer

In this spirit, while perhaps not obvious to everyone, it could be noted that memetic associations with the Japanese artform anime, currently underpin many of the Internet's subcultures and younger generations. The Zeitgeist .earth project is taking that spirit and has been hard at work creating an image board and wiki, are hosting the high capacity Mumble server mentioned as a TeamSpeak replacement. They are also running project management tools like taiga.io and gitea a self hosted equivalent to github to help developers create the digital tools needs to transition to an RBE.

The team has been hard at work and the professional graphic designers have been redesigning the Zeitgeist logo and are working on the image board design with both light and dark themes. However the project is still under heavy development.
More information check out https://zeitgeist.earth/newletter_01.html
You can also join the .earth Telegram group: https://t.me/zeitgeistearth or visit https://zeitgeist.earth once the team is ready to reveal more content.

Zeitgeist Survey Project
Want a project to sink your teeth into and you aren't good at web development but are interested in psychology?
The Zeitgeist survey project needs some help. The idea is to create a survey which can work out what the global Zeitgeist is. What is the general population's intellectual, cultural and moral spirit of the time, across the world? By repeating the survey every year we can see what direction it is headed in as a feedback mechanism.

Firstly we need help creating the survey itself. Working out the questions and how they'll be used. Once the survey is created we'll need the help of all ZM chapters to get the 16,000+ randomly distributed survey responses needed to have an adequate result. Hopefully we can then do a world wide poll every year and see which the places are most ripe for transition.

The briefing document is here and you can email survey@zeitgeist-info.com if you'd like to contribute.

Free World One
Free World One is the new, hybrid for-profit initiative that was launched by Colin Turner at Z-Day 2018. FW1 is a company designed to leverage the existing market system to promote RBE ambitions through monetizing various activities in education, awareness and prototyping. Profits raised by the company's ethical and sustainable projects will then be used to support other projects.

Colin, who founded The Free World Charter in 2011, is doing a great job at getting support and the company is now well into its first round of funding with over 270 investors. They are about to embark on an exciting educational project called LifeGames which promotes skills and traits like compassion, cooperation and critical thinking through fun classroom activities for kids. Books and apps of the LifeGames project are expected to go on sale to schools next Spring.

Want to contribute to the newsletter? Email newsletter@zeitgeist-info.com with any news or updates. If there's enough requests we can create a more automated solution and notice board.

Best Regards

10 ottobre 2018

LA POSTA IN GIOCO – Quale internet vogliamo? Marco Montemagno

Di chi è internet? Quale internet vorresti? Attenzione, che la #postaInGioco è molto elevata. Ne parla Marco Montemagno su Byoblu

Fonte: www.byoblu.com