30 giugno 2017

È iniziato il Tour Pachamama 2017 per i Diritti di Madre Terra! • Prossimi Appuntamenti

Tour Pachamama 2017
Un mondo senza violenza è possibile solo se saremo noi, singoli individui, a fare il primo passo verso quella direzione.
UN ALTRO MONDO PER I DIRITTI DELLA PACHAMAMA è un progetto ambizioso dove il tuor internazionale di Alberto Ruz Buenfil ed il film di Thomas Torelli Un Altro Mondo, si intrecceranno per far riemergere quell'antica coscienza secondo la quale tutti siamo parte di un unico Uno.
I popoli nativi questa concezione la conoscevano benissimo: Pachamama infatti rappresenta l'antico culto venerato dai popoli andini del Sudamerica dove la Pacha (Terra) Mama (Madre) è al centro di ogni cosa. Secondo questa visione, qualsiasi cosa in natura appare come Sacra e Divina.

Grazie allo straordinario successo dell'evento dello scorso anno, e grazie ai molti amici che hanno deciso di contribuire acquistando i DVD durante l'anno, siamo riusciti ad offrire ad Alberto l'occasione di tornare a fare un nuovo Tour per i diritti della Madre Terra.

Il tour vede la collaborazione dello stesso regista con Alberto Ruz Buenfil e Antonio Giacchetti, Emiliano Toso (solo ad Alpignano (Torino) e Lucia Cuffaro (solo a Cerveteri (Roma) ). Il ciclo di incontri ha lo scopo di sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica e promuovere il riconoscimento della Terra come essere vivente e l'avvento di una legge che ne tuteli gli interessi, sull'onda del Primo Forum Mondiale per I Diritti della Madre Terra che si è tenuto in Messico a giugno 2016 (e di cui Alberto è stato coordinatore). Durante il tour partirà la raccolta firme per supportare la creazione di una carta per i diritti della Madre Terra ispirata a quella scritta da Evo Morales e entrata a far parte della Costituzione Boliviana, intento per il quale è stato realizzato Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra (guarda il trailer), il film-documentario contenente i materiali e i contenuti inediti del film Un Altro Mondo.

Durante le giornate si potranno sperimentare delle esperienze davvero straordinarie: proiezioni, conferenze e cerimonie per entrare in intimo contatto con gli antichi popoli nativi e con l'autenticità del messaggio Pachamama.
Cuore e Mente. Conferenze e Cerimonie per trasmettere la pienezza di questo messaggio d'Amore.
Vi invitiamo ad unirvi a noi!

Le tappe

Tutte le info per Sabato 1 Luglio 2017 – Alpignano (TO)
Tutte le info per Domenica 2 Luglio 2017 – Crevoladossola (VB)
Tutte le info per Domenica 9 Luglio 2017 – Cerveteri (RM)
Tutte le info per Venerdì 14 Luglio 2017 – Bagnacavallo (RA)
Tutte le info per Sabato 15 Luglio 2017 – Parma
Tutte le info per Domenica 16 Luglio 2017 – Salina di Viadana (MN)
Tutte le info per Venerdì 21 Luglio 2017 – Napoli
Tutte le info per Martedì 25 Luglio 2017 – Cisternino (BR)
Tutte le info per Lunedì 31 Luglio 2017 – Crispiano (TA)

I Protagonisti

Alberto Ruz Buenfil (Coyote Alberto)
Messicano, figlio dell'archeologo Ruz Lhuillier, noto scopritore della tomba reale di Pakal a Palenque. Con più di quarant'anni dedicati allo studio, la creazione e la promozione della Cultura della Pace, è un vero pioniere, veterano e storiografo del movimento degli eco-villaggi, delle reti bio-regionali e del cambio sociale e spirituale. Maestro di cerimonia, Fondatore della Caravana Arcoíris por la Paz che ha viaggiato per 17 paesi del Centro e Sudamerica (1996-2009), è scrittore, co-fondatore della Comunità Ecologica Huehuecoyotl a Tepoztlan in Messico, creatore e cordinatore del Consejo de Visiones Guardianes de la Tierra-México(1990-2015). E' tra i coordinatori del Primo Foro Mondiale per i Diritti della Madre Terra che si è tenuto in Messico nel giugno 2016.
Antonio Giacchetti
Avvocato ed esperto di civiltà Maya e di "cicli del tempo". Ha tradotto Il Fattore Maya, il bestseller internazionale del maggior esperto internazionale sul calendario Maya il Dott. José Argüelles, Ph.D. È un dei protagonisti del film Un altro mondo di Thomas Torelli. È il coordinatore nazionale del PAN italiano (Planet Art Network).
Thomas Torelli
Thomas Torelli nasce a Roma nel 1975. Dopo il diploma si specializza in fotografia e l'immagine diviene il suo lavoro. Scrive, produce e dirige diversi documentari, tra cui Zero – Inchiesta sull'11 Settembre, distribuito in tutto il mondo e in concorso nel 2007 al Festival del Cinema di Roma, Sangue e Cemento sul terremoto in Abruzzo (55.000 copie in dvd e candidatura ai Nastri d'Argento come Miglior Documentario) e, nel 2014, Un Altro Mondo, vincitore di numerosi festival, acclamato da pubblico e critica, e proiettato in più di quattrocento eventi dalla sua uscita, un film definito illuminante che ha rivoluzionato il concetto di distribuzione indipendente in Italia.
Nel gennaio 2017 esce con Food ReLOVution, un documentario che pone l'accento sui danni causati dall'industria alimentare all'ambiente, a l'uomo e agli animali.
Emiliano Toso
Emiliano Toso, PhD è un musicista compositore e biologo cellulare molto vicino alle nuove prospettive di salute offerte dagli studi di epigenetica dove scientificamente si dimostra che le nostre credenze creano ciò che siamo.
La ricerca di Emiliano si concentra anche sulla spiritualità, esplorando campi e tecniche come Reiki, cristalli e sciamanesimo che lo aiutano nel suo percorso di crescita.
Nel 2013, l'integrazione di questi elementi ha creato il progetto "Translational Music®", con il supporto e l'approvazione del Dott. Bruce Lipton, con cui collabora. Translational Music® apre le conferenze europeee di Gregg Braden, Neale Donald Walsch e Bruce Lipton.
Le sue composizioni al pianoforte traducono vibrazioni universali favorendo il benessere fisico, emozionale e spirituale, il rilassamento, la meditazione, il sonno, la creatività, l'espressione di emozioni profonde.
Presidente del Movimento per la Decrescita Felice, ha una vita piena e intensa, dedicata in gran parte al volontariato e alla divulgazione di riflessioni sulla riduzione degli sprechi e il ben-essere.
Vive a Roma, nel quartiere Massimina vicino alla mostruosa Malagrotta, la discarica che per reazione l'ha avvicinata al mondo dell'attivismo. Appassionata esperta di autoproduzione ed erbe officinali, partecipa a varie trasmissioni TV e Radio (Rai3, La 7, Tv2000, Radio S. Marino), collaborando in particolare con Unomattina in Famiglia su Rai Uno, dove conduce dal 2012 la rubrica Chi fa da sé. I suoi articoli sono pubblicati su BioEcoGeo, Vivi Consapevole, Yoga Jornal, Starbene.
Sociologa di formazione, ha lavorato come collaboratore parlamentare alla Camera dei Deputati, occupandosi di ecomafie, rifiuti e comunicazione ambientale. Ha pubblicato per il Gruppo Macro: Fatto in casa con Lucia, Risparmia 700 euro in 7 giorni, il DVD Fatto in casa con Lucia, Cambio Pelle in 7 passi. Come rivoluzionare la cura del corpo in modo semplice e naturale e l'Eco Kit per le Pulizie Ecologiche. Gira l'Italia come formatrice per insegnare come evitare le sostanze tossiche nei prodotti di uso comune e autoprodurre le alternative naturali. Amante delle tradizioni popolari e rimedi antichi viaggia per i luoghi più incontaminati del Pianeta alla ricerca di pratiche millenarie profondamente legate alla Madre Terra.
I prossimi appuntamenti!

Questo mese ci sono ancora tante nuove occasioni per incontrarci, ecco gli appuntamenti di Luglio:

Alpignano (Torino) - 01/07/2017 - Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra • Tour 2017
Crevoladossola (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola) - 02/07/2017 - Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra • Tour 2017
Cerveteri (Roma) - 08/07/2017 - Proiezione di Food ReLOVution e dibattito con il regista Thomas Torelli.
Berceto (Parma) - 09/07/2017 - Proiezione di Food ReLOVution
Cerveteri (Roma) - 09/07/2017 - Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra • Tour 2017
Bagnacavallo (Ravenna) - 14/07/2017 - Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra • Tour 2017
Parma - 15/07/2017 - Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra • Tour 2017
Salina di Viadana
 (Mantova) - 16/07/2017 - Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra • Tour 2017
Bassano del Grappa - 18/07/2017 - Proiezione di Un Altro Mondo
Palata Pepoli - Crevalcore (Bologna) - 20/07/2017 - Proiezione di Food ReLOVution
Napoli - 21/07/2017 - Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra • Tour 2017
Cisternino (Brindisi) - 25/07/2017 - Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra • Tour 2017
Crispiano (Taranto) - 31/07/2017 - Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra • Tour 2017
Borno (Brescia)
 - 31/07/2017 - Proiezione di Un Altro Mondo
Guarda tutti i dettagli
Grazie a tutte le persone che ci stanno aiutando a far conoscere questa iniziativa condividendola con i propri amici, con il passaparola e il vostro aiuto possiamo arrivare a tutti coloro che vorrebbero vivere questa esperienza. Insieme tutto è possibile.

Grazie a tutti, continuate a seguirci!
In Lak'ech

Thomas Torelli e tutto il team

Copyright ©2016 Thomas Torelli, All rights reserved. Tutti i diritti riservati.

Se hai domande o suggerimenti per noi ti preghiamo di non rispondere a questa email.
Per maggiori informazioni / For more info: 
Facebook   /   Twitter   /   www.thomastorelli.com

Facebook   /   Twitter  /   www.foodrelovution.com
Email: food.relovution@gmail.com    

Thomas Torelli - Via Maria Theodoli,12 - 00126 Roma  

Elon Musk News - Issue 89

Elon Musk News - Issue 89

Note From The Curator
The top three stories in this issue of Elon Musk News Premium are:
  1. Tesla in Talks to Set Up Electric Car Factory in Shanghai
  2. Tesla replaces head of Autopilot with OpenAI's neural net researcher
  3. SpaceX Sets Up a 'Weekend Doubleheader' of Droneship Landings
In just over an hour SpaceX is scheduled to launch the first of two Falcon 9s this weekend. The second launch is scheduled for Sunday at 13:25 PT. If successful, this back to back launch will be SpaceX's shortest ever window between launches. I will have all the details in Tuesday's issue. You can also catch the action live as it happens at space.com/webcast.

This issue also has some big news on the Tesla front, as well as news from South Korea that they want a Hyperloop in 4 years, Elon Musk's ascension to Glassdoor's top 100 CEO list with a 98% approval rating, and much more!

Thanks so much for being part of this community and enjoy issue 89!

Featured Quote
"What makes innovative thinking happen?... I think it's really a mindset. You have to decide."
— Elon Musk

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Zach says: The BulgariaSat-1 launch is scheduled for just over an hour from now. You can watch the livestream at spacex.com/webcast.

SpaceX will attempt to launch and land two Falcon 9 rockets this weekend on either sides of America, setting up the the tightest launch schedule in the company's history and offering the public a chance to view two droneship landings in three days. On Friday, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch as early as 2:10 p.m. from from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on a mission to put a Bulgarian satellite into orbit. The first-stage booster of the above Falcon 9 will attempt to land upright on the deck of Of Course I Still Love You, about 8-10 minutes or so after launch.

On Sunday, another commercial satellite launch (technically 10 new satellites part of Iridium's NEXT communications network) will take off from Vandenberg Air Force Base in southern California, using a different Falcon 9. After sending off the sats, the rocket will attempt a landing on Just Read the Instructions, a different droneship in the Pacific. Sunday's Iridium satellite launch is scheduled for 1:25 p.m. Pacific.
SpaceX has static fired a Falcon 9 at the Vandenberg Air Force Base ahead of a mission to launch the next set of Iridium NEXT satellites. Confirmation of a good test came via SpaceX on its social media channels, based on the results of the "quick look" data. The SpaceX team will then head into the Launch Readiness Review (LRR) ahead of the Sunday launch attempt with the window opening at 13:25 pm local time. SpaceX has the ability to continue the flow towards launch, despite the schedule change with the BulgariSat-1 pre-launch flow, due to two separate launch teams for its two – currently active – launch sites.
"Optimus Prime" is a measure to more rapidly and safely secure first stages after landing aboard drone ships. The primary reason for this robot existing is to better ensure the safety of those working aboard active drone ships. Removing the requirement for people to be aboard a barge with an unsecured 50,000 kilogram rocket that has a tendency to explode violently after falling over.

It is currently unclear whether the robot is intended to be a precaution only used in high seas or a tool to be used for every autonomous spaceport drone ship recovery. But the fact that it was seen conducting tests aboard OCISLY just a day before SpaceX's static fire test for the upcoming launch of BulgariaSat-1 indicates that the upcoming launch may be the robot's first truly operational test. It is also possible that SpaceX may simply choose to recover the stage and bring it back to port before conducting tests with the robot and an actual Falcon 9 S1 aboard OCISLY, with this latter option forcing less reliance upon a currently unproven (but nevertheless rather simple) technology.
Tesla is in discussions to establish a factory in Shanghai, its first in China, a move that could bolster its efforts in one of its major markets even as it further lifts China's position as a builder of electric cars. In a statement on Thursday, Tesla said it needed to set up more overseas factories to make cars that customers could afford. Such a strategy is a must in China, which charges steep tariffs for imported cars.

"To better serve the Chinese market, Tesla is in the process of discussing about the possibility of setting up a factory locally with the Shanghai government," a spokeswoman, Duan Zhengzheng, said in a statement. "Per our previous negotiations, by the end of this year, we will have a much clearer plan for our localization. Tesla has always been devoted to cultivating the Chinese market."
Tesla has replaced its Vice President of Autopilot Software Chris Lattner with Andrej Karpathy who will serve as the company's new Director of AI and Autopilot Vision. Lattner, a former 11-year Apple veteran who joined Tesla less than six months ago has departed the company, citing that the role was not a good fit him. "Turns out that Tesla isn't a good fit for me after all. I'm interested to hear about interesting roles for a seasoned engineering leader!" says Lattner through his Twitter account. A Tesla spokesperson echoed the sentiment, telling Teslarati that "Chris just wasn't the right fit for Tesla, and we've decided to make a change."

Karpathy, who prior to joining Tesla worked at Google's DeepMind and was a respected research scientist at Musk's artificial intelligence OpenAI nonprofit, has extensive experience training neural networks and working with deep learning AI. "I like to train Deep Neural Nets on large datasets." reads Karpathy's Twitter profile. In his new role as Tesla Director of AI and Autopilot Vision, Karpathy will report directly Elon Musk, and work closely with chip expert and Vice President of Autopilot Hardware Jim Keller on advancing Tesla's self-driving technology.
Steven Peeters had a dream for his Tesla Model S P100D, to break the world record for longest trip in an electric vehicle on a single charge. "My first line of thinking was 'this is going to be a piece of cake', because we have a big battery. But when doing a few test runs, it turns out to be a lot harder to get the power consumption so low you can actually drive these vast distances." Peeters said.

The two discovered that 40 kph was the ideal speed to take on this challenge. They also decked out their Tesla with a sign saying "TEST" since they were driving slowly for most of the journey. After 23 hours and 45 minutes of nonstop driving, the men arrived to their charger, making it 559.98 mi (901.2 km) on a single charge, breaking both world records and zooming past the 900 km mark. "We had fun along the entire way, but it is a very long drive," Peeters said.
Music industry sources say the carmaker has had talks with all of the major labels about licensing a proprietary music service that would come bundled with its cars, which already come equipped with a high-tech dashboard and internet connectivity. Label sources aren't clear about the full scope of Tesla's ambitions, but believe it is interested in offering multiple tiers of service, starting with a Pandora-like web radio offering.

The bigger question: Why doesn't Tesla simply integrate existing services, like Spotify or Apple Music, into all of its cars from the start — especially since Tesla already does a deal with Spotify for Teslas sold outside the U.S.? "We believe it's important to have an exceptional in-car experience so our customers can listen to the music they want from whatever source they choose," a Tesla spokesperson said. "Our goal is to simply achieve maximum happiness for our customers."
Zach says: These are some of the best photos of the Model 3 I've seen. I highly recommend checking them out!

Photos come from multiple posts on reddit by You You Xue who spotted the Model 3 at the San Mateo supercharger and got several high quality photos. Xue said he spoke to the employee who was driving the car, and that the employee stated that the car is pretty much the final design before the first delivery (not a direct quote from the employee, but Xue's summary of the conversation).

One thing to note is that the cockpit and steering wheel looks the same as it did in the other recent batch of photos we saw of them, so if this is pretty much the final design, then it's likely that we'll end up with a rather conventional steering wheel design on the finalized vehicle. It's still possible that it might change, but looking less likely as we get closer and closer to release.
Tesla has confirmed that it started production of the new Model 3 battery cell at Gigafactory 1 in Nevada over the weekend – an important step toward launching the production of the Model 3. Tesla said that it aimed to start the production of those vehicle cells during the second quarter and Tesla's co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, JB Straubel, confirmed this weekend that the production of the cells has started at Gigafactory 1.

Tesla has designed a new battery module and pack architecture to use the 2170 battery cells in the Model 3. The cells are manufactured by Panasonic, while Tesla is in charge of manufacturing the modules and overall battery packs. Everything is done under one roof at Tesla's Gigafactory 1 in Nevada.
Elon Musk confirmed Monday that Tesla has no plans to use its new 2170 lithium ion cell in the Model S and X. The news flies in the face of past assumptions that Tesla would convert all of its vehicles to the new cells being produced at Gigafactory 1 in Nevada.

Why maintain two battery standards? With the production lines for Model S and X well established at the Fremont factory and the factory already bursting at the seams just to accommodate Model 3 production, it is likely that Tesla is simply out of space at the Fremont factory. Reworking the factory to accommodate a different battery specification would add value in the long term in supply chain simplification, but is likely too much headache for too little return for the time being.
Tesla has scored a victory in Arizona after a judge ruled that an existing law believed to prohibit auto manufacturers from selling direct to customers did not apply to Tesla. Tesla pursued and obtained an automotive dealer license – a standard license traditional automotive dealerships are required to hold in order to sell vehicles – from the Arizona Department of Transportation following the ruling.

Tesla previously believed that a supporting law prohibited direct sales to customers even with the dealer license so the clarification from the judge that direct sales would be allowed with a run of the mill automotive dealer license came as quite a relief. The victory came after multiple failed attempts by Tesla to change state law to allow direct sales through the legislative process.
A new North Carolina bill has the potential to turn Tesla's luck around in the state, allowing it to operate its own dealerships. North Carolina House Bill 617 was originally written in April to provide guidelines for temporary automotive sales permits for antique and specialty vehicles, but was reintroduced on Wednesday with a broader scope. The new writing of the bill largely does away with the antique vehicle scope and instead provides guidance for manufacturer-owned dealerships as long as they sell only electric vehicles or have no other traditional dealer franchises.

Tesla is not explicitly stated in the bill but the writing makes it clear that it was written with an intent to allow Tesla to sell its vehicles directly to consumers in North Carolina. The bill has not been voted on yet but is expected to be put up for a vote in the coming days.
The Boring Company
Elon Musk's Boring Company looks like it has a potential client: the city of Los Angeles. L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti on Sunday said "Like many other cities have, I'd love to see maybe even with the new tunneling technology that people like Elon Musk is looking at, whether we could have a quick and direct route from LAX to Union Station."

It didn't take long for Musk to catch wind of the clip and clearly he's into the idea. He tweeted "Promising conversations with @MayorOfLA regarding tunnel network that would carry cars, bikes & pedestrians. Permits harder than technology."
South Korea's bullet trains whisk people from Seoul to the city of Busan, 200 miles to the southeast, in a bit less than three hours. Apparently that isn't fast enough, because the government wants to build a hyperloop that will make the trip in just 30 minutes. The government caught hyperloop fever in January, when it asked Hanyang University for help figuring out how to make Elon Musk's vision of vacuum tube transportation work.

In a deal announced today, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies will contribute some of the know-how needed to successfully fling people through tubes at near-supersonic speed. "We are ready to build," says CEO Dirk Ahlborn. "The biggest showstopper is regulation." Clearing that hurdle shouldn't be much trouble for the government of South Korea, which wants this thing up and running in four years.
Musk's employees at SpaceX just propelled him to a new accolade, 8th place in Glassdoor's Top 100 CEOs list. The ranking is decided by anonymous entries from employees. Musk came in with a 98% approval rating among his employees, shattering the average CEO rating of 67%.

Musk's ranking comes solely from SpaceX, as his Tesla and Neuralink did not meet all the requirements to be considered for the list. "I'd say focus on signal over noise," he told Glassdoor. "Don't waste time on stuff that doesn't actually make things better." Musk's approval rating indicates that there are good things in store for SpaceX, which also ranked as Glassdoor's 40th best place to work this year.

Elon Musk News Anson Ave Coquitlam, British Columbia V3B 2H6 Canada

29 giugno 2017

U.S. Tied to Torture in Network of Secret Yemen Prisons Run by UAE | Daily Digest 06/22/2017

As Yemen War Rages On, Saudi King Elevates the War's Architect—His Own Son—to Be Crown Prince & From War to Cholera, Yemen Is Facing World's Largest Humanitarian Crisis & More

Democracy Now! Daily Digest

A Daily Independent Global News Hour with Amy Goodman & Juan González

Thursday, June 22, 2017


 Human Rights Watch and the Associated Press have just published explosive new reports on a secret network of prisons in southern Yemen run by the United ... Read More →

As the U.S. moves ahead with a massive arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Saudi's king has deposed his nephew as crown prince and has replaced him with his son—the ... Read More →

More than 10,000 people have died amid the ongoing U.S.-backed, Saudi-led war in Yemen, which has also destroyed the country's health, water and sanitation ... Read More →

Protests are continuing in London over last week's devastating apartment fire that killed 79 people. On Wednesday, around 200 protesters, including survivors ... Read More →

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