24 novembre 2016

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23 novembre 2016

Rete Voltaire: I principali titoli della settimana 23 novembre 2016

Rete Voltaire

In breve

A Doha la nona edizione della World Policy Conference della Francia

Ad Aleppo-Est gli jihadisti sparano proiettili veri sui manifestanti

14.000 abitanti di Mosul ripiegano su Raqqa

La fatwa del Consiglio militare supremo dell'Esercito della Conquista

Campagna di bombardamenti contro gli armamenti degli jihadisti in Siria

Urgente: chi, dal 9 novembre, sta assassinando gli ufficiali di al-Qaeda?

Preparativi per la liberazione di Aleppo-Est


«L'arte della guerra»
L'alternanza del Potere imperiale
di Manlio Dinucci, Rete Voltaire, 15 novembre 2016
abbonamento    Reclami

Elon Musk News - Issue 56

Issue 56

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Note From The Curator

Here are the top three stories in this issue of Elon Musk News:

1. Tesla & SolarCity Will Officially Merge

2. SpaceX Just Filed an FCC Request to Launch 4,425 Internet Satellites

3. Hyperloop One installs the first tube of its 'DevLoop' in Las Vegas – it's really happening

It's official, Tesla & SolarCity will officially merge! The shareholder vote passed with 85% approval on Thursday. This is great news because in many ways the merger is also a correction. As Elon wrote in his 'Master Plan, Part Deux': "That they are separate at all, despite similar origins and pursuit of the same overarching goal of sustainable energy, is largely an accident of history." It will be very exciting to see what a new Tesla Energy is able to accomplish in the future.

I also want to let you know that I just launched a new Tesla themed shirt! I'm very happy with how it turned out, and it's now my favorite shirt that I sell. You can check it out here :)

Enjoy issue 56, and have a wonderful weekend!

Zachary K.D.

Featured Quote

"I think your faith will be rewarded, it's really going to be some amazing stuff that comes out."

— Elon Musk

From Inverse

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