06 aprile 2016

Rete Voltaire: I principali titoli della settimana 5 aprile 2016

Rete Voltaire

In breve

Il Pentagono dichiara di aver eliminato Omar el-Shishani

Una lista di 22.000 jihadisti di Daesh consegnata a Sky News

La Nato osserva la superiorità russa nello scenario sirio

La Francia decora il principe Mohammad Ben Nayef
«Discorso libero», n°1, aprile 2016
È un'alleanza militare sino-russo possibile?
 Zurigo (Svizzera) |
Come la Cina vede la Russia e gli USA. Pechino e Mosca sono vicini, ma non alleati, di Fu Ying / Impedire la guerra atomica! Perché le alternative alla politica bellicosa degli USA e della Nato sono un obbligo per la sopravvivenza dell'umanità, di Paul Craig Roberts / Gli USA testano il potere del TTIP sulla VW, di Eberhard Hamer / Anche la pace ha bisogno della verità. I cervelli dietro alla guerra in Siria, di Thierry Meyssan / Evoluzione del diritto dell'UE – cosa significa per la Svizzera? Riflessioni dal punto di vista del diritto pubblico e della politica di sovranità, Intervista con Thomas Minder / Una politica indipendente da UE e Nato / Invasione migratoria: svegliarsi e lottare. La realtà ci guida / Prime scuole SOL in Svizzera – un segnale d'allarme. Confermata la critica al Lehrplan 21, di Marianne Wüthrich / Comprendere il malato. Per una medicina attenta alla persona malata, di Sabine Vuilleumier-Koch / «La Svizzera costruisce ponti là dove nessun altro ci riesce più», (...)

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05 aprile 2016

Mario Rossi Network Weekly is out! Edition of 05 April 2016

Mario Rossi Network Weekly
Published by
Mario Rossi Network
05 April 2016
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World Leisure Art & Entertainment Business Politics Environment #travel #panamapapers
Breaking: Fast and Furious was Secret Program to Ship Arms to Middle East Terrorists
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Alex Jones
thumbnail www­.infowars­.com - An expert researcher investigating the ATF's Operation Fast and Furious gun walking scandal has discovered the operation is ongoing and is likely serving as a conduit for a global gun ring. Speakin...
'Autism' Reported as Vaccine Side Effect, FDA Insert Shows
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thumbnail www­.infowars­.com - A vaccine insert available via the US Food and Drug Administration website lists "autism" as one of many reported severe adverse side effects. Sanofi Pasteur's whooping cough vaccine Tripedia, whic...
The Wife War Distraction
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thumbnail www­.infowars­.com - On Tuesday, the Trump campaign said its counter-tweet to one sent out by a PAC associated with Cruz is not an attack own the Texas senator. The PAC had posted a photo of a naked Melania Trump and t...
Human Rights Advocates: U.S.-Backed Saudi Offensive in Yemen a "Dark Mark" on Obama's Presidency
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Democracy Now!
thumbnail www­.democracynow­.org - visiting scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, Lebanon. In 2013, he testified before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on the U.S. secret drone program. He is also the co-fo...
How Reporters Pulled Off the Panama Papers, the Biggest Leak in Whistleblower History
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Marni Halasa
thumbnail www­.wired­.com - When Daniel Ellsberg photocopied and leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times in 1971, those 7,000 pages of top secret Vietnam War documents represented what was then the biggest whistleblo...
WorldLeisureArt & EntertainmentBusinessPoliticsEnvironment#travel#panamapapers
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Smallrivers SA, Innovation Park EPFL, Building C, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

04 aprile 2016

Rete Voltaire Weekly is out! Edition of 04 April 2016

Rete Voltaire Weekly
Published by
Mario Rossi Network
04 April 2016
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World Education Business Leisure
Washington reactiva el escándalo Erdogan
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thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - El 17 de diciembre de 2013, aprovechando un viaje del entonces primer ministro Recep Tayyip Erdogan a Pakistán, la justicia turca arrestaba 91 sospechosos, 26 de los cuales fueron enviados a los tr...
Il movente degli attentati di Parigi e di Bruxelles, di Thierry Meyssan
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Rete Voltaire
thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - È troppo presto per identificare con certezza il mandante degli attentati che hanno colpito Parigi il 13 novembre 2015 e Bruxelles il 22 marzo 2016. Tuttavia, per il momento, solo gli elementi che ...
El voto "empático-étnico" impostor de los Fujimori
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thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - Desde que su padre ganó a Vargas Llosa en las elecciones del año 1990 y Keiko encabeza la intención de voto en las actuales elecciones, los Fujimori demuestran un innegable apoyo popular. ¿Pero qué...
México, niñez y memoria histórica, por Herbert Mujica Rojas
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thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - En México, los domingos, los museos tienen entrada libre. Más aún, decenas, centenas, sino miles de niños, a lo largo y ancho de este gran país, visitan, especialmente ese día, las instalaciones mu...
The motive for the attacks in Paris and Brussels, by Thierry Meyssan
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thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - It is too early to name with any certainty the sponsor of the attacks which struck Paris on the 13th November 2015, and Brussels on the 22nd March 2016. However, for the moment, only the elements w...
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Smallrivers SA, Innovation Park EPFL, Building C, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

28 marzo 2016

Rete Voltaire Weekly Edition of 28 March 2016

Rete Voltaire Weekly
Published by
Mario Rossi Network
28 March 2016
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World Leisure Environment

Türkei reklamiert Blutbad in Brüssel, von Savvas Kalèdéridès
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thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - Jeder Terrorist achtet, wenn er sein Ziel auswählt, darauf, eine Botschaft zu übermitteln, um seine Aktion zu rechtfertigen. Meistens ist es diese Botschaft, welche die Terroristen interessiert und...
La Turquie revendique le bain de sang de Bruxelles, par Savvas Kalèdéridès
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thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - Tout terroriste choisissant sa cible, veille à passer un message pour justifier son action. La plupart du temps c'est ce message qui intéresse les terroristes et non pas l'ampleur de la catastrophe...
El suicidio europeo ante Turquía , por Thierry Meyssan
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thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - «La democracia es como un tranvía. Lo tomamos para ir a donde queremos y una vez allí, nos bajamos.» El Consejo Europeo, reunido el 17 y el 18 de marzo de 2016, adoptó un plan tendiente a resolver ...
Wer bedroht uns wirklich?, von Manlio Dinucci
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thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - Was tun um einen Krieg zu rechtfertigen, wenn es keinen Gegner gibt, der uns bedroht? Das ist ganz einfach, es genügt ihn zu erfinden oder selber herzustellen. So lehrt es uns General Philip Breedl...
El rey de Jordania acusa a Turquía de preparar la yihad en Europa
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thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - El 11 de enero de 2016, el rey de Jordania, Abdala II, participaba en Washington en una reunión con miembros de tres comisiones del Senado estadounidense (Inteligencia, Relaciones Exteriores y Serv...

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Smallrivers SA, Innovation Park EPFL, Building C, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

27 marzo 2016

How to reserve your Tesla Model 3

Thanks for your interest in the Model 3 unveiling. Unfortunately your name wasn't drawn for a ticket to the unveil. The good news is, you can still join in the experience. We'll live stream the event on Tesla.com beginning at 8.30pm PDT on March 31.
We're excited to share more details about our Model 3 unveil plans. We'll be live streaming the event on Tesla.com beginning at 8.30pm PDT on March 31. Tune in to join in the experience. We can't wait to show you what we've been working on.

Reservations for Model 3 begin on March 31st worldwide. There are two ways to make a reservation. The first, which will allow you to get a better spot in the queue, is to visit your local Tesla store when it opens on March 31st. Second is to make a reservation online at Tesla.com when the live unveil starts at 8:30pm PDT.
Reservation amounts in each currency can be found here.

In order to be as fair as possible, there will be a different queue for reservations in each region. And as a thank you to our current owners, existing customers will get priority in each region (one priority reservation for each Tesla they own). For those who aren't Tesla owners yet, this means the fastest way to buy a Model 3 is to buy a Model S or Model X.

Model 3 production is scheduled to begin in late 2017. When production begins, we will begin deliveries in North America starting on the West Coast, moving east. As we continue to ramp production, we will begin deliveries in Europe, APAC and right-hand drive markets.

Thank you for your continued support!

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